iwrote this but there is still something else iam grappling with but for that i have not created any space to deal with itoreven face it.i don't know in which sentence orbetween which stanzas tofit that in.may be it doesn't fit and its good that its out

i didn't know

i didnt realise
that its been so long
that i wrote
that date
and that call
after eight
as i was leaving office
asking me to prepare
a note
and the roller coster
many worries
and drooping shoulders from
the worry i was carrying
more than the humungous
work itself
may be i could exhale now
thanks for writing to me
and i am here now

the work is still on
so is the work i need to do on myself
which i plan to call a work out
but the zeal which i bore and
drilled into everything
i find missing
and i have no clue
whether to find someone
to help me find it
or just let it be
and keep on moving
rather than just
waiting for someone
to hold me tight and adsorb into me
and return myself to me

Its not to say that i
am not enjoying this wilderness
for i am
but there is so much to do
that i cant afford to get lost
for long
i feel
and return i must to the solid ground
of work and more work
of duties to others and self

but why not put it the other way
but return i must
to love
to love for my work and the high
of completion of work
to self care and love
for the love of my child
and parents
into the loving care of this
universe and warm embrace
of this creation and to the
steadiness of writing.

i love you so much
Dear me.

Poetry by Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 82 times
Written on 2024-02-07 at 07:02

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Streams of consciousness are difficult to effectively put down on paper, I feel, but this is a sterling effort. Reading your preface I'd be interested to read how it goes together with the missing 'something else'. Blessings, Allen