Covering up

Yesterday I wore the powder blue sweatpants
everywhere that I went- shopping, counseling,
taxiing my little tribe of misfits around town

I also wore my favorite hoodie
the bright purple one that fits just right
and isn't too hot and makes me feel safe

Resistance to the mundane aside,
the day brought appointments, errands and ire
the modus operandi of maintaining nothing

And at sunset, I slipped myself into
coffee cup pjs and a cozy sweater
in an attempt to cover the emptiness

Though there was really no need to hide
(invisibility suits me well)
and the numbness took me quietly to bed

Today I showered and put on some makeup
I even wore jeans (the purple sweatshirt remains)
Oh, and the powder blue pants are in the bin.

Diary by R.W.S. The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 129 times
Written on 2024-03-14 at 18:23

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my favourite part
And at sunset, I slipped myself into
coffee cup pjs and a cozy sweater
in an attempt to cover the emptiness

yes cover the emptiness, emptiness has its borders, right ?


by R.W.S. The PoetBay support member heart!
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