the arts of the table and the leftovers

Should we eat with optimism or with pessimism our meal when come the hard times or the times of opulence?
Optimists despite the fact that their appetite decreases as they enjoy more and more pieces of food, would anyway prefer leftovers (the rest) because they tell themselves: "my next bite will be better" while pessimists will do the opposite way by starting with what they prefer to eat, so the leftovers are less and less appetising. However, have you ever participated in an Arabian meal? They sit all around a same dish crafted from exquisite parts of the camel (just think if the world was that dish). Perhaps among them will be optimists and pessimists. If then, you are amongst the optimists and share your meal with pessimists, you will never get to the best pieces because they will be eaten as soon as possible by the pessimists long before you eat them
Word to the wise, goodbye!

Poetry by alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 118 times
Written on 2024-05-18 at 13:02

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