In the beginning, on Earth,
There as a boy of eight
And his new fluffy kitten.
He had named it 'Merlin'.

At the very beginning
Merlin's soul was held
With unconditional Love
By his mighty creator.

At the ending, on Earth,
There was a man, now twenty-eight,
Holding a tired and weary cat
Who had almost completed Life.

In between, the man and the boy
Had shared beautiful moments -
Filled with laughter and purrs,
Love, Kindness and adoration.

At the ending in heaven
Merlin was a kitten again
And purred most lovingly
At his creator's petting.

Did your creator tenderly
Hold your soul to their breast
And breath the breath of life
Into your new fresh body...

...with un conditional Love?



© Griffonner 2024

Poetry by Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 127 times
Written on 2024-05-26 at 11:01

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
The sad thing is that we often outlive our pets, but that's the deal. Nice one Allen.