Sometimes I wonder,
What is wrong with me.
Living in the land,
Of the Not so free.

Not keen on neighbours,
Partying till after three.
No guns in our country,
In the land of the not so free.

Which is probably just as well,
If you party till after three.
Noise abatement is a crime,
In the land of the Not so free.

Think I'd buy a rifle not a gun,
If noise continues I'd have my fun.
A nice quiet cell for me,
In the land of the Not so free.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 77 times
Written on 2024-06-12 at 01:35

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Good day, Alan. Like the poem, my friend. What occurs to me is that in your(our) land of the not so free, it isn't simple to buy a gun of any kind, yet the same can't be said of a cutting implement like, for example, a machete... the likes of which in our land of the not so free is possibly the common implement of murder as the gun is in the USA (The land OF the free!)
Blessings, Allen

alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
liberté d'être : qui vous voulez devenir liberté d'avoir : d'obtenir ce que vous voulez (pas de limitations matérielles)

Elon Musk: the true freedom is space travel