Often I wonder why,
Some friends come along.
For a while then there gone,
I hope to better days.

Some are soon forgotten,
As they start to drift away.
For me in my mind they'll stay,
Until Alzheimer's takes them away.

There are a few I never knew,
That I've read along the way.
The ones that came before,
Who wrote on poetbay.

They are the unsung heroes,
Of the writings I often find.
The poets of yesterday,
Who stimulates my mind,
As they still do to this day.

I read a couple of poems today,
Written by one who went away.
Who sadly disappeared one day
By lacyxDevine one of my poetic friends.

One was written about myself,
The other about great poet ken.
Although we haven't heard from her,
We will always be her friend.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 71 times
Written on 2024-06-03 at 00:40

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Those who past away
Live on in spirit in poetry
That they wrote & left on our poetbay
So as Terry Prattchet coinde
GNU you popets all
Ken D.