hard work has its reward



colin reports from north carolina

he proclaims a love for heat and humidity


feels like bathing in air   he writes   like dessert


i suppose it feels like home   he grew up there

a touchstone


it is true 

this napa valley air is dry by comparison




marketa is at home in the city   

colin's grandfather and i are here

in the dry   and in my mind   lovely   air




i have my work spread out on the dinning room table

since it's just the two of us

we eat in the kitchen   we   the unlikely couple


i can't remember being so calm in my head

so content in my body

something about this place is utterly pacifying


proximity to the pacific

no doubt




keep the world at bay


this lifestyle makes sense 

knowing that this is not a lifestyle

it is the result of clear and calculated decisions

built stone by stone   vine by vine


i've stepped into colin's grandfather's end game

his foresight




we sit on the patio after dinner

watching the sun set


a little later   in the den

i play my guitar

instead of putting on one of his vinyls


the nerve of me 




were colin and marketa here

i wouldn't do it

it's a beautiful kind of intimacy we share




Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 107 times
Written on 2024-06-21 at 03:02

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alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
I remember an actor saying at the end of a scene, another 50 000 dollars for today! life is good
it was Jack Nicholson quoted or something like that by Kevin Spacey