A city far away, which will always be home.

My City

To return to a place
which has been
home once
how does one
navigate that
the arterial roads
and the perpendicular blocks
with traffic lights on the way
signalling me to
move and stop
That is all i get
of the city now
for my GPS is lost
but i am thankful for the
familiar canopies of the trees
which have no address
and to the swans
whom i watch gliding over water
ever so quietly
as if in alignment
with my heart beat
tranquil and rhythemic

i guess i have returned
like a migratory bird
to fly off again.

Poetry by Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 103 times
Written on 2024-06-22 at 18:42

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Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
A thoughtful and admirable poem. Thank you for posting it!

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
This makes me think that what makes cities unique is the nature (the flora and fauna), and what makes a city a home is just that—the nature. Otherwise, it's just a place, a spot on a map.