"Oh my God", the Doctor said,
As he looked at me.
Shifting out of phase,
As I lay there On the hospital bed.

He's had a complete transformation,
As I drift between two world's.
In and out of a three dimensional curse,
My body trying to escape one universe.

My corporal form shifted into a eathrall plane,
As they placed defibrillators round my bed.
My life would never ever be the same,
The shock hit me as I pleaded for them to stop.

As my corporal form started to coalesce,
Into a form unknown to me I confess.
They all started to cheer as I looked about,
These strange Insidious faces looked back.

I was now trapped in a unfamiliar universe,
Unable to traverse world's forever cursed.
A fourth dimensional being trapped in space,
By a unsuspecting three dimensional race.

In a world where I have no connection or kin,
Unable to get back to my world for my sins.
A fourth dimensional being forever cursed,
Trapped in a three dimensional skin.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 80 times
Written on 2024-07-03 at 01:12

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