downgraded in Europe but upgraded in the world

the philosophical position regarding multiculturality depends above all on whether, as a native European, you fear or already feel downgraded when you observe people coming from far away who are downgraded in their country compared to you.. .but well-ranked people say nothing, they are convinced that the fate of Europe depends on the inclusion of the world!

Poetry by alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 58 times
Written on 2024-06-26 at 04:29

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
And respectfully I would suggest there is nothing wrong with wanting to embrace newcomers. The problem is we have not been taught to be tolerant of others, and 'others' have not been taught the manners to respect the rules and culture of the host country. Everyone is out for themselves.
*Rant mode off*
Blessings, Allen