They forn over me
As though I am a child
They don't seem to see
I'm still here it's still me

Didn't wish for mixed dementia,
Evey days like a new adventure.
Only other's don't see it my way,
I'm still here I haven't drifted away.

My thoughts are still my own,
Even with people surrounding me.
I can't explain why I feel so alone,
It's never me that they ever see.

One day My god will come for me,
To take me back for all eternity.
Unless the Devil gets to me first,
I really feel my life is cursed.

Whether you live with Alzheimer's,
or dementia, they're both the same.
While I'm awake my life is in a spin,
It's when I sleep my night terrors begin.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 139 times
Written on 2024-07-02 at 12:12

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