The Rain


 The rain moves in from the east

like Spanish conquistadors

The storm is a movable feast,

comes at you with its full force

You anchor yourself in a lay

on the coast of Chesapeake Bay,

where Annapolis shows off big yachts

owned by people who crave more than lots

My in-laws lived in Baltimore,

6814 Cherokee Drive,

but no one is presently alive,

they do not exist anymore

In Dallas lived Judith and I,

in times since long gone by,

Melody Park on Melody Lane;

a marriage that ended in pain

The rain moves in from the east

on wealthy and those with the least

My diaries are my very best source,

in which I endorse my remorse

Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 59 times
Written on 2024-06-29 at 09:40

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