Here I lay with another,
Feeling warm and slender.
Gently kissing forever tender,
Entwined as summer lovers.

I can smell the perfume,
In her sweet caress.
Her bosoms swelling,
With the look of loveliness.

As she sends my senses reeling ,
I can feel the freshness in the air.
The bird's themselves start singing,
Water meanders through the brook
without a care.

She smiles at me and asks questionable
Lovingly, "Where do we go from here."
I can still smell the freshness of that day,
Fifty years on our love for one another
has never gone away.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 86 times
Written on 2024-07-04 at 00:01

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Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
Whaat a cute cute cute poem. You've conveyed the feeling of love and being loved in a way that's all you

Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
Whaat a cute cute cute poem. You've conveyed the feeling of love and being loved in a way that's all you