The Past Is or Was
I have no clueof what i want
its just that
i have much to do
and there are a few people
who i thought
are milestones
on my path
but as i try to
trudge along
i find them as
And its not
anything of their doing
or non doing
its just that
-who they always were.
and i dont say this with
an iota of bitterness
but understanding
that there is a reason
people who belonged in the past
remain of the past.
The past is dead.
whosoever says
the past lives in the present
has got it wrong
for the present is alive
and breathing and full of
possibilities, rooted in the present.
the Action is in present
the steadfastness is in present
the choice and commitment
is exercised in the present.
And yes,
as it is said
Tommorrow is another day.
Poetry by Sona
Read 198 times
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Written on 2024-07-05 at 21:50
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