(The dreams of Putin, Hector, Netanyahu & Achilles)

From Hades To Hoboken


Against their dreams

they find no defence;

their fate it what it seems

through dreamtime's merciless lens

when the agony they endorse

comes at them, full force,

accepting no blindfolded remorse

from the void of their conscience's empty source

and, like Achilles & Hector deeply insane

humiliated and finally slain,

like Moammar Gadhafi & Saddam Hussein

in the cold, cold ground to be lain

after living their lives completely in vain

- for rage is awoken,

beautiful curses are spoken;

their necks briskly broken,

their death a fair game token

from Hades to Hoboken

Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 108 times
Written on 2024-07-06 at 10:30

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