Comment your thoughts, or are we just fucking around here haha


When I close my eyes I see a bustling city street.
You stand in the middle of it. Still.

The street is one we’re both familiar with.
It’s not just one but an amalgamation
of the many streets in Kathmandu we walked
through. In closing my eyes, my mind has melded
these fragments of lived experiences, and
in the middle of it is you. Still.

The people walk around you in droves.
The people walk around you like a river
running downward, but you, like a stone
stand in the middle of it undisturbed, unbothered,
and unflappably still.

In fact, the people walk so fast they fade
into flurries. I can’t even make their face
from their motion. They become the background.
All I can see is you. Still.

You’re smiling. You’re looking at me
and smiling. Sometimes you even slide a strand
of front-fell hair and tuck it behind your ear
which I once loved to watch you do.
But I can’t watch you anymore. You’ve gone
away. To where? I don’t know. Nor
do I have the right to question. So,
I close my eyes and watch you appear,
still beautiful as the day you left.
Still radiant as the memories with which I’m left.
The only possession of mine I care to carry
until my death, when if they ask me, though buried
if I love you? I’ll awaken from my grave
to answer but one word:

Poetry by Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 100 times
Written on 2024-07-11 at 08:47

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alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
if in eternity, all our gestures are eternal, the eternity of gestures takes up a lot of space

Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
This reminds me of Eliot, the combination of a vivid cityscape and an internal monologue. Effective, and a pleasure to read!

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Well done; vivid, cinematic.

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
A really nice love poem. It is an interesting concept to me because those types of memories are more likely to happen in dreams than in consciousness. Blessings, Allen