Notions about longevety. Childishly I intended those thrupences to be discovered in centuries.  I didn't grasp the concept of obsolescence.



I have an aweful memory. It's sad.
Seemingly destroyed by that madman
Who, sixty-one years ago, pulled out
Without looking,and crashed into my car
Sending mine careering towards death.
Ha! I've got news for him, wherever,
I survived! 


But you robbed me of some dreams!
Dreams that, like all memories, are passive
And cannot be completely lived again.
But it is the words... sixty-one years !
Who would have thought there'd be so many?

Amongst them, through the gaps pervading,
Are gems: Memories to be grateful for.
The tin box of silver thrupences
I hid beneath a floorboard in 1952!
Did anyone find it? Or did they rain
Down opon heads of demolition men
Like angel's tears at all destruction:
At things that should have aged and died
Naturally, in the most usual and intended way.
Gone tomorrow but here today.



© Griffonner 2024



Poetry by Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 95 times
Written on 2024-07-11 at 09:56

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Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
I love the way, this poem has been written. Its like a peek a boo of your memories, each worth dweling upon for some more time but i loved the show, Allen!

D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
I love your reflective quality, and how the image of the silver thrupences evokes the years falling away; and glad to say, you're still here my friend.


jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Age brings the inevitability of reviving old memories rather than create new ones. Your poem rings true.

Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
Amazing, just amazing. Grit.