
The luminous Dr Thakore,

who looks after my eyes,
has urged me to blink more often
to stave off ocular dryness.


And it occurs to me:
blinking can be
a spiritual practice!


Must I have eyes
open all the time?
Must I bully myself awake
with coffee always?


Stopping, consciously,
to blink, blink, blink ----

"don't squeeze your eyes shut,
just blink" the doctor urges ---

this habit can be of benefit.

Poetry by Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 80 times
Written on 2024-07-13 at 01:29

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alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
Crying can be another solution but it has a psychological meaning

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
To use an old English colloquialism: "Aint it blinking obvious!"
Well, maybe not, but I couldn't resist the pun. Strange advice. I'd be interested to hear if it works for you. Mine just prescribes the sprays - which I have to say are 100% effective. Interestingly, my worst time is first thing in the morning. How would your Dr Thakore conceive blinking more while you're asleep could be effected? :)
Blessings, Allen