How to make sense
of so much
that happens around us
in this cyclotron of life

Making sense

for me
is philosphy now
in the realm
of my mind

i was not always like this
till some fifteen years back
there used to a different me
who would simply
respond to life
and live it as it comes
on the terms of life

All this is still the same but
its as if i am
as much with these words
and the thoughts
experiences evoke
as with the experience itself.

Its as if living
is also as much about
making sense of
it, this and that.

There is of course,
some respite too
when time moves
not in pockets of seconds
but flows like a stream.

And i meander.

Poetry by Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 82 times
Written on 2024-07-18 at 20:25

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Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
The last two verses kinda elevate this good poem to great

D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
We only live in the moment, all else is either memory or expectation. A very good poem Sona.