Let it Expire Today

I get tired of looking at broken machinery, turds gaily painted
To be sold as sweets, people who shout that they're serving
The public when all that they're doing is holding the jobs
Which they keep by betraying those they claim to serve.
I am tired of temperatures constantly rising as idiots sit
In their idling cars, tired of paying the rents oligopolists
Reap as they tell us the "free market" lives, tired of hundreds
Of thousands of soldiers lurking all over the planet to bully
And menace the people we've chosen to hate,
So that billions of dollars which might have been used
To make more people healthy and fund better schools,
Instead, is just wasted on weapons and troops.
Broken machinery, turds sold as sweets: these are
The hallmarks of empire dying. Let it expire today!

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 102 times
Written on 2024-07-25 at 01:20

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
They have an alien mindset to those of use who see it that way. There are clearly huge pressures being put on people to act the way they do to their fellow men, probably most of all the threat of losing their jobs. Even so, it wouldn't wash with me. Taking recent happening in Manchester UK where on camera a policeman kicks the head of a supine member of the public, you have to ask what kind of person would do that and given the choice would you have them as your choice for a policeman?
As usual you create a poem that provokes much needed thought.
Blessings, Allen

Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
Its like Michael Jackson said, "They don't care about us"