In days when we are looking for ourselves, these words made us all think!

What are the really important things?

Which has value?

I want these words to reach every single Bulgarian, because nothing else matters!

Pass it on!

A letter to my daughter...

Time will pass my daughter
when I'm gone
peace will creep home,
it will be cold like winter...
You'll beg for time back
with the memory of a little girl,
you'll want me to hug you again
you will remember how much i loved you...
To our home you will return,
but... there is no one to open the door for you,
only silence will embrace you
and you have no one to talk to...
Time will pass, it will settle down...quietly!
The white birch will make noise in the yard,
in your memory I will be smiling
I will be a burning tear in the eye...
Time will pass - sometime will pass,
come by dear, even if it's rare
I'm still here... and there is me.
Remember I love you:
I really miss you!!!!!

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 63 times
Written on 2024-08-04 at 17:42

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