Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.
(Inki to aisi ki taisi)

The Lesson

The Lesson is
when you want something
too desperate
You won't get it.

One way or the other
you wont get it.

You will get it
if you show up
for it

Do the ground work.
Strive. Work.

The thing is
i am not used to
having goals for myself.
I have never set them.
But i remember
once when it was given to me
I became
so one with it
that it did not matter
to me
if it rejected me twice
after testing my mettle
to the core.

I became so one with it
that i knew i was topping it that year

And i knew it that way
because no one had
promised me that
or told me that
it was there
for my asking
but just a few words
from my beloved
friend that
i need to prepare
and in that process
know that in your
heart of hearts
that you are topping it.

And i did
by the sheer strength of
my will and effort
rooted in my confidence
of self everything
and that
indomitable spirit
that is me.

To not be dazzled
by the razzmatazz of it
for i had no idea
and nor did i care a wee bit
It was just just me
one with my goal
that it wasn't a pursuit

The thing is
about an anchor
to not be adrift
in the wilderness
of seeking,
and for that
there is a solar system
with its gravity.

Poetry by Sona
Read 52 times
Written on 2024-08-07 at 21:18

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