Don't Shove Aside Summer

The heat has broken, a little bit early, but it always does at some point
In this month. The temperature won't reach 100 again. For reasons
Which only school board members could follow, the kids are now back
In class. At the height of the summer! When it still is hot, so it costs
A fortune to keep the rooms cool. When the parents still hope to take
One more vacation. The sidewalks and playgrounds are suddenly empty,
Leaving one pensive. Is everything done? It's not, God damn it!
I swear that it isn't. The corn still is green. The pool water's warm.
The great mass of wooly-brained dolts still are watching the Summer
Olympics, not planning to vote. It's too soon to write off this greatest
Of seasons unless you're a fatso who hides out in flannel, or some
Lunatic on a school board, who thinks that the kids ought to be
Forced inside.

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 50 times
Written on 2024-08-10 at 01:10

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