The most genuine friend-

is the moment you're living in
now and here
which in itself is your awareness
that dissolves all expectations
and wish to control outcome
to cobweb your heart, mind and eyes
in an orderly rhythm of
togetherness. You do not need
a new face to meet its face
and it's not a friend without a face
who does not smile back at you.
It's a friendship
of what the moment needs for you
and what you need for yourself
to live a life true to yourself, voicing out
your feelings
and thoughts without the obligation
to negotiate differences and
peculiarities with others.
In the absence
of interest-related relationship-
you and moment
have not the least difference
in the way you both perceive life.

Poetry by yoonoos peerbocus
Read 68 times
Written on 2024-08-12 at 03:20

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