Angles & Angles


The world sits cross-legged nearby,

eyes closed

I'm trying a fine-tuned, technical attitude


thinking in bolts & screws;

in the speed of megabits, volume of terabytes;

in exact angles;

in rising euclidian angels,

as envisioned by Gustave Doré;

mene mene tekels slithered across a Big Moon horizon

in the merciless chirography of welding torches,

beautiful incisions opening the backs

of well-washed anaestethsized bodies,

leaving Tibetan titanium temples tingling

through the lofty hours of enlightenment,

fastidious haikus hauling perfection

up out of the hospitals of Western societies

I'm trying a fine-tuned, science-shiny outlook


merging differences, splitting consensuses

through the circadian circuits of sleepless cities,

lifting the veils of anaesthesia

with the utmost care,

letting Big Moon gaze in silence

over bolts & screws,

across words at the beginning of language

and various means of communication

The world opens like a flower

at the end of a pun

Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 50 times
Written on 2024-08-20 at 12:16

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