are their curves crossing?

In fact, those who do not welcome foreigners are mostly pessimist, they are sure that the situation will deteriorate if they have to enhance and share resources from here because the countries where these foreigners come from are already worse than theirs. Keep the bad luck at home they say!

The resurgence of racism in the USA is perhaps fueled by an enormous pessimism echoed by Trump, (Make America Great AGAIN) "AGAIN" means that he no longer thinks that the USA is the greatest country in the world!

Trump seems to count on the pessimism of the Deep South people to get reelected while Kamala counts more on optimism of the successful and full of hopes Americans?

that's why I think Kamala is in better terms for winning so far


Poetry by alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 46 times
Written on 2024-08-24 at 13:09

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