I don't feel vulnerable,
Yet I'm told that I am.
Don't feel I'm doing to bad,
I'm not yet a decrepit old man.

At my age nothing is new,
Not even my teeth.
I still have my own,
Therefore I still chew.

My eyes still bother me,
With spider's in my eyes.
As macula creeps over,
Will I still be able to see.

I don't live in the present,
For it never ever lasts.
There's no limit to yesterday,
It's always in the past.

There's no reason for tomorrow,
Because tomorrow never comes.
Time is a conundrum of today,
That will never go away.

So what if we never age,
How would we face tomorrow.
If we couldn't face a mirror,
To look within our age.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 39 times
Written on 2024-08-28 at 01:31

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