My two companions my fellow travellers,
Looked at the hatch in disbelief.
Prying it open released the outer door,
Leading to another one built into the floor.

With a heavy heart we left the world above,
Not knowing what we would find.
in the unknown world below,
Or how it might effect mankind.

Endless options for every sliding door,
For each one we found there were two more.
It was as though we were trapped inside,
A belly of a beast with nowhere to hide.

Until we came across some sleeping quarters,
The beds were sumptuous and incredible soft.
We were like dwarves sleeping in the snow,
In the undercroft of the ship far below.

Sleeping quarters led to a canteen area,
With food replenishers abound.
There we ate and drank our fill,
Pleased at what we had found.

So far there were no signs of a crew,
There food and drink was palatal to us.
Everything looked clean and new,
At least we wouldn't starve.

The air smelt like scented flower's,
Same for the taste of the water.
The girls found the shower's,
In there they spent many an hour.

Now full of vigour our search renewed,
We decided to continue looking for the crew.
In the vastness of this ship there had to be,
At least one left alive we had to wait and see.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 37 times
Written on 2024-08-27 at 19:04

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