Happy Heavenly Birthday dear Aunt MARY, rest in peace my Heavenly Angel.
Dear Aunt MARY, you left this world too soon.
You lived a worthy life, of a loving mother, aunt, daughter and sister.
You loved everyone, and even let the ants pass.
Until the end, you helped other people, but you didn't wait for me to come back from abroad to say a final goodbye.
Now you and Nevenka, my father, grandmother Donka and all our other loved ones are together in heaven, and you are waiting for us to meet again one day.
If you only know how much I miss you, I keep your last letter, it's arrived six months after you died, so where they say wait for a dead letter, I got it.
Twenty-two years without you, filled with pain, sorrow and sadness, but I keep you deep in my heart aunt.
Rest in peace and eternal memory, fly high with the angels of heaven aunt.
With love, light and peace forever your niece Annie!

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 43 times
Written on 2024-08-25 at 20:42

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