Happy heavenly birthday to my grandma Dimitrichka by Ann Wood

Happy 105th Heavenly Birthday Grandma Dimitrichka!
You lived an exemplary life of a loving wife, mother, grandmother and sister.
You raised three beautiful children, were a grandmother to six grandchildren, and now you have great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.
He left too soon, only 72 years old, but apparently Grandpa Nasi couldn't do without you and called you to him, and then you took dad to you too.
Our home is desolate without you, and we have scattered around the world to seek comfort and a better life.
Rest in peace dear grandma, know that I miss you all very much and I love you.
One day we will be together again, and this time forever.
With love, light and peace forever your granddaughter Annie!

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 43 times
Written on 2024-08-25 at 20:56

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