of a kind



"a  world weary samuel 

finds a shady spot

beneath a grove of aspens


sunlight through the quaking leaves

dappling the earth

perhaps dappling his thought as well


a religious man   his faith well tested

he pauses in his work

no one can know his mind or read his thoughts


not zoey   and if not her   then who

perhaps clover

sheepdog slash companion  


who rests her own weary body

against samuel's thigh"






what do you think   i ask lin

lacks something   she says


what might that be   i ask

substance   she says 


you're a cold one   i say

think so   she says   wanna try me





Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 118 times
Written on 2024-08-30 at 02:05

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Another valuable 'deep' offering, my friend, and the double-edged sword at the end brought a smile to my face. Brilliant. Blessings, Allen