Strange how my mind works

Strange how my mind works
Looking at the tv listing
( no that's not a sight For
Transvestites). I laughed,
It read live horse racing.
Wife said, " that's nothing to laugh about ",
I replied, "of course it is,
Have you ever tried racing a dead one?
They don't go to fast.

A young girl doing a survey in town
Asked me my age, I told her I was 71
She then asked if I was married.
I told her yes fifty happy years,
She then asked do you believe
in sex before marriage? I replied.
I'm game as long as you don't tell the Wife.

Is it just me who thinks that when
They make a programme on the Paralympics
And call it, "Live the last leg in Paris."
Isn't that just bad taste?

When part of beachyhead crumbled,
They put a piece of it on display in
Eastbourne town centre.
Inverted cone shape, wife looks at it
and says I wonder what that's supposed to be?
I just said. " I wonder where they put the batteries?".

We had a policeman knock on the door one night,
He asked me if I had a air gun I said no.
Then he walked away, I thought that was a strange
question. Played on my mind that night.
Following day saw a sign outside our local
newsagents, that read. Police target pavement
cyclists, I thought oh that explains why he
wanted the air rifle.

Words by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 38 times
Written on 2024-08-30 at 00:03

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