If Only For A Time

If only for a time
Happenstance relates two souls
Searching for peace
Wary of beginnings and endings

if only for a moment
We were together
Sharing Memories of Our Own
With no ending in sight

If only for a trifle
What is right or
True Is clear
By what expectations are met

If only for a distance traveled
Endings are clear or not clear
Conflicts create distance
Perhaps too far a destination

If for all time
Memories both good and bad
Are branded with their own space
I am better for having them

If on my last walk
Whenever that happens to be
That I hold a hand That cares
Where Forgiveness is given

Then my last quest is complete

Poetry by Kee Zealy The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 43 times
Written on 2024-09-01 at 21:40

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Really beautiful. The desire for that last stanza is possibly universal, but it took your particular skill and passion for writing to put it into words. May I comment that what we experienced in the past, however trivial, short or long, have made us what we are at this very moment of time. Everything is part of the whole. Blessings and love, Allen