You Know Me

Morning featured dreadful knickknacks, things no one should want to

Buy, at prices only fools would pay, removed from their protective

Padding, placed on overcrowded shelves. One's respect for human

Beings plunges in a retail store.


Afternoon was hauling paving blocks from an expensive home whose Owners are remodeling. My one son wants them for his project. He's

A man who works the angles. First, the paving blocks are free. Second,

He employed us all, another son, his mom, his dad, to drive him there

And load the things, and to unload them, of course.


Now the lot of them are swimming in the pool that I maintain, but I

Cannot.  I have a bandage I was told should not get wet. In short,

This day has had its share of dreary labor, aggravations. Should I Emphasize, instead, the parts of it which weren't so bad: the morning's Motorcycle ride, the visit with the son who lives a decent drive away

From me? I could, but, by now, you have learned I'll focus on

What's wrong.

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 54 times
Written on 2024-09-02 at 01:10

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
It is strange that we all have this tendency to focus on what's wrong, but the great thing about your poem is that it demonstrates that you are all too aware of the good things as well, you just emphasised what irked you, and why not? Get it off your chest! Blessings, Allen