A talking and listening

communication is really
a two way process wherein
both the speaker and listener
are coeval. Decluttered of all bias,
the listener gives ear
akin to veins listening to blood
save just nods in all right places
and never miss information
and reduce the dialogue
to monologue.
By communicating non-verbally
he learns to grow spiritually
and hears the words echoing
within the second sphere.
Aware, words evaporate
and forget themselves, the speaker
speaks in first, to speak out, to avert
any slip and with it slipshod
information. They both agree only with
the legitimacy of the speaker's views-
no matter hidden are multiple truths
that could lead to a larger truth.
The listener reaches out into the unknown
other selves and learn complex human
behaviour, while the confessor, sensing
that he has been heard verbatim, feels
accepted and shuck split his true selves.

Poetry by yoonoos peerbocus
Read 78 times
Written on 2024-09-02 at 04:09

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
A complex and deep poem. For my mind the fact that there is communication speaks volumes. Blessings, Allen