Catching Up

All the things I was when we were lovers, I have ceased to be.
Your disappointment tortures me. I'm fatter, duller, dedicated,
Mostly, to persisting without drama, also without purpose,
Counting clock beats as I search for churchyards bearing
Empty graves. We're too old to be avant-garde, as we were,
Or we thought we were, in your decrepit walk-up flat. The sea
Is near. I chose this place because I thought you'd like to view
The brooding mountains once again, and stare into the frigid
Water. Silence seems to indicate that we can't think of things
To say. I guess this was a bad idea. The world which we shared
Is gone, and we are shadows of ourselves. The memories I have
Of us were fixed and fine. I should have let them live on,

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 52 times
Written on 2024-09-05 at 02:53

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
A haunting, and in my view brave, new write, Lawrence. In your fine words One senses the emotions, and can almost feel the predicament. It is a poem I am unlikely to forget. Blessings, Allen