metal detector

if you take your metal detector with you and park in a parking lot that gives access to a beach.
At first, you search the place with your detector near the parking lot and you gradually move away from the place where you parked. If you come back in a month, you realize that it is difficult to find a place to park. You probably realize pretty quickly that looking for coins near the parking lot is a waste of time because these places will have been combed from top to bottom a long time ago... well, I think that making discoveries (not for yourself only but for others too) when you start in an artistic field is a waste of time... you have to explore your field in depth to hope to find something that no one has found before you...

Poetry by alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 41 times
Written on 2024-09-05 at 11:54

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Best you are giving the fields a miss there, alarian! ;)
Kenny D.