- request to HR for an accommodation in relation to my mobility... it's ongoing... 



Started the process on 15 Aug,

Got a response on 22 Aug,

'Cause my email ended up

In the spam box unnoticed.

Then had a Teams meeting

On 28 Aug, had a doctor's

Visit on 3 Sep, and submitted

The doctor's note and then an

Email explaining my situation.


On 5 Sep, I notify HR that

I start my vacation on Friday,

Head's up if they plan a meeting.

They respond asking if JFS

Got in contact with me, and

I reply no one has got in

Contact with me yet, and that

Communication ended there.

So today, I do a follow-up

And ask what's going on...

They tell me that before they

Can render a decision, they

Have to talk with my Chef,

Who happens to be on vacation

At the moment until 10 Sep.


I kind of lose my cool at this

Point and share my stress

And now panic, and put it to

Them to confirm what my

Options would be if my Chef

Did not agree, force myself

To keep going to the office

And probably injure myself,

Or leave my job that I love?

They responded that they should

Be able to accommodate me, but

That they can't possibly make the

Decision without first consulting

With my Chef.  It's at that point

I came to wonder when they were

Planning to let me know about this.

I've had to seek and prompt all

Throughout this process, and got

To say, I'm pretty pissed that this

Is still not resolved after all this time.

And I start my vacation time with

This hanging around not dealt with.

I've been at it for 22 days now,

My nerves have had enough.



Diary by IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 34 times
Written on 2024-09-07 at 01:07

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Thinking out to you, Isabelle, HUGS.
Kenny D.