poem from north beach, california, as it was some time ago



it's about friction


too much   right kind   wrong kind


the ills of the world

do they boil down to this simple act of physicality


would one global collective sigh

one harmonious ahhh from all humanity

put right the wrongs


i sigh


not in the way intended   rather

in defeat

there is friction   not all of the desired kind


there is always one   and more than one

whose idea of friction is/are nails on a chalkboard




marketa   i say   come hither


outside and across the street

neon lights flash, advertising

the very notion i espouse, the 

night air laden with potential.




Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 141 times
Written on 2024-09-10 at 22:00

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