Poems Yet to Be Written

White snow on bare black trees
underneath a slate-grey sky

that I'm tempted to call glorious.

Small green flying insect

neon-bright, and fluttering in the sun
that comes through the window of the #15 bus.

Fr Best singing the Salve Regina in Latin
because it is May, the month of Our Lady,

and saying "vair-go" instead of "veer-go."

The lachrymose quality shared
by the Cure's "Just Like Heaven"
and Scarlatti's "Mesto, stanco, e spirante."

The smell of cigarette, cigar, or pipe smoke
on a slightly chilly October-November day.

Poetry by Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 42 times
Written on 2024-09-13 at 07:54

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alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
I enjoyed so much the title
I loved the contrasts
and the creation of memories