- basically the same complaint over, I realize... I'm just not getting over it, I guess... sorry for the redundancy, just trying to get this out of my system...


my weekly 3 places :  grocery store, doctor's appointment (between 3 health professionals), work... 



Not once through the process

Did I ever get the impression

That my feelings about having

To make such a request of them

And about being confronted to

A condition that is slowly taking

Away my ability to move around

Have been considered in any way.


Or that the reality of my need

To carefully organize my life

In terms of the places I can go,

And how many I can physically

Do in a week, how adding one

More is problematic physically,

And the reason I had to submit a

Request for an accommodation.


I say this 'cause although they did

In the end accept my request, they

Also want to reevaluate in 6 months,

Meaning I will have to go see the

Doctor again to get a medical note

To continue supporting my 'privilege'

Of going to the office once a week

And managing my condition as needed.


I'm finding this somewhat humiliating.

Since there's no prospect of getting better,

This second note will be the same as first.

So to me, having to go see the doctor again

For no apparent reason feels disheartening.

It's having to go somewhere, and hurt for it,

All for the purpose of getting the same info,

Which feels like a purposeless action to do.


From my perspective, I'm being forced

To do the activity which is the cause

Of my request in the first place, to prove

The accommodation is still reasonable.

Even though the context of this situation

Is about a degenerative condition that

Can never see any improvement, so I'm

Not catching why they're requiring this.


Two years ago I could manage 5 to 6

Places to go in a week, but lately, I can

Barely manage the 3 I now do each week.

Adding another one is a painful prospect;

I have the feeling they just don't get it.

They can't picture what it's like to have

To organize your movements so closely.

So to me, the whole process is just awful,


And it really doesn't leave me feeling uplifted,

Almost regret having made the request now.


Diary by IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 4 times
Written on 2024-09-14 at 19:36

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