16th September at 66°N/22°E


I leave me out

in an open hypothesis,

my face uncomely graffiti

up a factory smokestack,

the autumn wind singing

through my chest;

Cosmos plucking a jolly tune

on the ribs

while the clumsy old toad bounces


in that dark, moist confinement

under my breath


A minuscule, winged insect

touches down

on a rising page

in David Hinton's ”The Wilds of Poetry”

up before me,

so little I can't see it very well


It runs hither & thither

among the letters,

jumping proficiently like a hurdler

across sentence fences


I am careful

to keep the volume ajar,

not to crush the undefined little fellow

in its wicked speed reading


- and suddenly it is gone,

flown off

into the enormity of the tiny eastern bedroom

in Niemisel's mid-September 66°N / 22°E,

where I share the night

with a gang of turgid red & green Capsicum annuum
(bell peppers) plants

that we've just moved in from the garden

in view of the expected first frost


I feel their wavy personalities,

sense their kind,

as I move the place marker

a few pages ahead,

put down the book

at the summit of the bedside stack

and sail off

on The Great Ship of Dreams,

too much age stapled to the hull


Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 23 times
Written on 2024-09-16 at 11:20

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