Children are always taught,
Big Boys never cry:
That's why most men,
Hide there feeling deep inside.

I was one of those,
Not because I wanted to,
Inside is where I cried,
But that was what I chose.

In our house was the smallest room,
How I wished that I could live there.
Only room enough for a single bed,
Just Underneath the stairs.

I felt that's where I belonged,
A child hidden out of sight.
Never realising that wasn't right,
To be hidden out of sight.

Now older not wiser children my of own;
Who I always hope will appreciate,
The love that they've been shown,.
Not just by my wife and me,
But the comfort of our home.

I look back with my Insecurity,
To that room beneath the stairs.
And sometimes I wish,
That I could still live there.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 22 times
Written on 2024-09-16 at 15:34

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