I'm not political at all, But.
I have to wonder is Trump,
Treating us all as fools.

Understand he's come,
Under attack twice.
Wonder if he had hired the guns.

To boost his chances of winning,
He's bound to use Subterfuge
If Harris wins he knows he's screwed

Hope he doesn't become president,
If he does he'll probably,
Put the Whitehouse up for rent.

Wether he does or doesn't,
One thing we know he'll say,
It's a conspiracy either way.

Eat dogs he says sounds insane,
Is that his way forward to feed the poor?
He'd be dangerous if he had a brain.

Than again I'm pleased that he's okay,
It's fun guessing at what he's about to say,
After all he's the Walter Mitty of his day.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 31 times
Written on 2024-09-17 at 01:06

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