My life
you're not worth a penny
you have become a beggar
in Gavroche...

More and more pitifully and painfully you vegetate,
I can even feel how quickly you are leaving.

Will it be you in the future - I don't know
I can't even give you hope today
and I'd like you to pretend to be happy
and live a little longer

I want to get along with you somehow
We're a tandem, aren't we?
don't give up
there is still time-
anyway for us-
nobody cares
grit your teeth in the harsh struggle
claw claws,
let the blood flow...
everything in the world is vanity...
there is meaning only in love.
But she and love are already clear
he said goodbye to us and quickly grew up..
So sit down with you and let's get to know each other,
will it be us in the day to-morrow!

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 26 times
Written on 2024-09-17 at 01:43

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
You write this as if you are figment of your own imagination . . .
an inner-dialog, dark, but ultimately hopeful . . . a mystery