This is a wretched rake story
With no resemblance to anyone
Living or dead.


She was as rough as any man,
Quieter than an Indian brave.
Her looks could scare a bear away,
Plainswomen Jane was coming,
To find herself a mate.

She could drop a fly dead,
By just one smell of her fettered breath.
Although whenever she walked into a room,
Her home made tobacco never missed
the spittoon.

She could make one piece last a lifetime,
Scratch your eyes out with her claws.
But if needed in a fight,
There was no one quicker on the draw.

I even heard it once said,
That when a rattlesnake went to bite her.
She didn't waste a bullet,
She just bit off it's head.

When she wandered into town,
All the menfolk fled.
There wasn't ever a one,
That wanted to end up in her bed.

Not even halitosis blind Joe,
Who couldn't escape even if he tried.
On his bones she did jump.
She bore him a strange child,
And they called it Donald Trump.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 16 times
Written on 2024-09-18 at 01:19

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