Shut Up!

That god-damned baby screeches. I am not a sympathetic man,
Not one to rush to pick up her, and say, "Now, now." I am, instead,
Inclined to put her in a crib somewhere downstairs in darkness,
And not come to her until she's shut her mouth. In that way,
She would learn that silence wins one better treatment than
Relentless screeching can. This is what one of my daughters
Had learn, and she turned out okay.

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 15 times
Written on 2024-09-17 at 22:53

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IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh dear, do I detect a clash in parenting style here? ;) I don't mind babies who cry, but admittedly, there are some where crying becomes a habit for any little thing. The ones who do for every little thing do tend to get on my nerves too... just like the ones who whine every sentence that comes out of their mouth when they start talking. I do believe these things need to be taught to children that it's not the way to get attention. Can definitely empathize with the grating on patience the situation you describe here can create!