The novelty of seeing things as they aught to be seen?


Ever have that feeling that you are in another Universe?
That's how I feel at the moment. My World is quite new.
As if, like my power-washed patio stones, it's skin
Has never been so clean and bright: Freshly brightened
By the seering sun - itself highlighting bluer than before.
Sadly, like everything else in this physical world,
I think my brain will become used to this novelty
And forget I've had both my cataracts removed, become used
To seeing everything in a new way, forget what my old sight was like,
And stop telling my brain how much brighter my TV is;
How much bluer my neighbours sunchairs are two hundred yards away.
While it lasts I am prone to thanking the Universe for my right eyes.



© Griffonner 2024

Poetry by Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 19 times
Written on 2024-09-19 at 05:31

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Yes, savor the delightful change before it becomes normal.