I like to write poetry,
Never hold myself aloft.
I don't care about stanzas,
About how many lines to write,
Or even if I've written it right.

For poet's like to write,
Wherever that they are.
When published on a poetry site,
They can reach near and far.

We like to write about many things,
Some poem's we love to write.
Some others make us cry,
They could influence the masses,
Although we never thought to try.

I try to keep on the outside looking in,
Hidden behind the fencing.
Occasionally I have to take a swing,
Not at the little people.

But at the cabbages and kings,
For it's really up to all of us.
To make this world,
A better place to live in.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 17 times
Written on 2024-09-20 at 00:02

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