* The USA and UK are of the same ilk where the majority of people are of Immigrant descent.

Pot and kettle?

Benevolence is a human trait
That somehow got astray
The hand of friendship reaching out
Now holds the head in dismay

A kindness given in thought or deed
Would seek for nothing in return
Assistance to those who need
An opportunity we should not spurn

But in our hour of transparency
When benevolence is not our aim
We raise our voice and then perhaps our gun
The rules are changed to play this game

Our borders are closed, no immigrants here
We must stop our lands' desecration
But still they come and we say NO!
To protect this our immigrant nation.

* The USA and UK are of the same ilk where the majority of people are of Immigrant descent. Yet, here we are trying our hardest to stop immigrants entering our country.
They ask for a benevolent consideration; they do not enforce entitlement. Our immigrant forebears did.

Poetry by Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 36 times
Written on 2024-09-19 at 15:25

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jim The PoetBay support member heart!
I think people are basically kind and accepting. "Benevolence" is a human trait. Politicians have twisted this into malevolence, and found a receptive audience.

Thank you for this, Liam.